Matt MacNaughton

  Contract software development projects  
  Senior level employment (Director, CTO)  
  Joint Ventures and Strategic Partnerships  
  M.S. Computer Science Oregon Graduate Institute
  B.A. Psychology / Tech Communications University of New Mexico
  Adjunct Faculty, Computer Science Portland Community College

Companies Founded

Red Rider Solutions, LLC

In 2018 I formed Red Rider Solutions LLC, to broaden my scope of endeavor into new areas. I continue to offer software development services through Red Rider Solutions to a private client group.

Code Labs, Inc.

Code Labs

In 1999 I founded Code Labs Inc. offering contract software development services, specializing in web/database integration projects for small - medium business. Through Code Labs, I served a number of Portland clients as well as clients in New Mexico, Arizona, California, New Jersey, and Colorado. I closed the company in 2016.